Board of Directors
Rikki Jenkins, Doula, IBCLC
Rikki Jenkins (she/her) lives in Las Vegas with her husband, daughters, and fur baby. She is a Certified Birth and Postpartum Doula, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, First Aid/ CPR/AED certified with Red Cross, Evidence Based Birth® Instructor, and a Bachelors of Science in Maternal Child Health with an emphasis in Human Lactation. She loves to host support groups, teach classes to expectant parents, and birth professionals. She provides all-inclusive services to expectant families and birth professionals in the greater Las Vegas Valley and surrounding areas.

Brittni Lents BS, IBCLC, ALC
Brittni Lents (she/her) lives in Las Vegas with her husband Stephen and their four children. Brittni has her bachelor’s degree in Maternal Child Health with an emphasis in Human Lactation and Social Justice. Her breastfeeding struggles and triumphs led her to pursue a career in the field of lactation. Brittni holds the designation of International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and Advanced Lactation Consultant. She is the breastfeeding coordinator at Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada WIC and the volunteer director of the Nevada Pediatric Hydrocephalus Foundation. Brittni is also a founding board member of the Kijiji Sisterhood, a nonprofit aimed at improving birth outcomes and breastfeeding rates in women of color.

Cristina Hernandez, MPH
Cristina Hernandez (ella/she/her), was born and raised in Las Vegas and her people come from Mexico and Cuba. She graduated from UNLV with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology in 2005, graduate certificate in Women's Studies in 2012, and in 2020 received her Master’s degree in Public Health. Her professional paper topic was on lesbian and trans men’s pregnancy, birth experience, and birth outcomes based on provider (i.e. OB/GYN, Midwife, and Nurse Practitioner) and setting (i.e. hospital, home, and birth center). She has been a doula since 2017, a certified childbirth educator since 2018, and certified as a full spectrum doula via Birthing Advocacy Doula Trainings (BADT). Currently, she is a Project Manager for EARN-FS (Early Responsive Nurturing Care for Food Security) at the UNLV School of Public Health in the Department of Social and Behavioral Health. This project is researching maternal and child health & nutrition within the West Las Vegas Promise Neighborhood.

Board Advisor
Colette Moore BSN, RN, IBCLC
Colette has been a member of SNBC since 2006. She assumed her SNBC board position in January 2017. She wholly supports the mission of the coalition, the protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding in our community. A Registered Nurse and Program Coordinator at the Healthy Living Institute at UMC and an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), Colette has been working with newborns and their families in the Las Vegas community for over 30 years. With a background in newborn intensive care, her passion has always been helping families to get off to a healthy start. She first became certified in Lactation in 2005. Whether teaching prenatal breastfeeding class, working in community outreach, counseling families in the hospital or visiting them at home, Colette believes that providing education and support helps families build confidence in their journey toward meeting their breastfeeding goals.